There are many styles of meditation that you can do. Here are a few examples with a description of what they are.
Meditation using a meaningless sound called a mantra
Meditation using pictures, objects, sensations or a word. When your mind begins to wander you focus on your chosen object/etc.
This meditation is the most complex of all the meditations. Instead of focusing on a sensation or object, you allow your feelings, thoughts, and images float through your mind. You see these as they are, without feeling any positive or negitive about them.
Autogenics, or "self-generation" is one of the most easy ways to start learning to meditate. This is a short excercise that you can do to help you relax.
Find a quiet room. Sit or lie down in a comfortable position (I find lying down to be the best..but I tend to fall asleep!) Breathe in deeply, and as you exhale think to yourself....
My hands and arms are relaxing. All the tension is leaving them.
My feet and legs are relaxing. All the tension is leaving them.
My abdomen is at peace.
My breathing is deep and even. (Focus on this...feel the good relaxation coming in with your inhale, and the tension leaving as you exhale....)
My heartbeat is soft and gentle.
When I open my eyes I shall be relaxed and refreshed.
Say these as many times as it takes for you to start to feel relaxed. If you start to worry that you are doing things wrong...Stop. This is to relax you.
Do what comes naturally. If you try to force will not relax!
I also find combining breath therapy and meditation work well to help me relax. I am a single mother of two children under the age of 4. If it wasn't for deep breathing I would have had a nervous breakdown by now!
There are many other forms of meditation. For example:
Tibetan and Zen Buddhism, Taoist, Progressive Relaxation, Self-Hypnosis, and even Prayer!
If you find that you cannot get started, look in the local paper. There may be classes on diffrent forms of meditation avalible in your area. Please remember, if one form doesn't work for you..try another.