This form of therapy was first used in the fourth century B.C., and is the treatment of ilness by the use of water.
Do you drink water? If so you are using a form of hydrotherapy now. You should drink at least 8 glasses of water of at least 6 to 8 oz.
I hope you take baths or showers. These are a form too! They are used to ease joint pain, constipation, relaxation, respitory ailments, and skin care.
There are many other forms that I bet you use off and on. These include:
Sitz Baths
Foot Baths
Steam inhalation
Hot compress
Cold compress
Body wraps
Cold Mitten Friction Rubs (my favorite to throw in when explaining this! It involves rubbing the skin vigorously with a mitten dipped in cold water! Helps increase circulation.)
Certain medical conditions make some forms of hydrotherapy unsafe. Consult your doctor before starting a new treatment.