This is a form of medicine that relies on a trace amount of herbs, minerals, and other substances to stimulate a persons immune system. It has little to no side effects.
This is one form of healing that IS regulated by the Food and Drug Administration. Avalible in pill, powder, and liquid form, 95% of them are safe enough to be sold over the counter.
How it Works:
1 drop of medicine is mixed with either 9 or 99 drops of a solution that is 87% alcohol, 13% distilled water. This created a dilution of either 1 to 10 (marked as X), or 1 to 100 (marked as C). The C dosage is the more potient of the two.
This mixture is then shaken, and 1 drop is added into another 9 or 99 drops of a solution. This process is done for over a thousand times. Then the final result is produced.
Some of the Homeopathy Remedies for Everyday Use:
Aconite: A good remedy for the early stages of the flu.
Apis: A good remedy for bee stings.
Arnicum: A good remedy for Bruises and muscle soreness.
Arsenicum: A good remedy for food poisoning, vomiting, upset stomach, and diarrhea.
Gelsemium: A good remedy for the flu or common cold.
Ipecacuanha: A good remedy for nausea, and helps stop bleeding.
Ledum: A good remedy for puncture wounds, bites, stings, sprains, and eye injuries.
Nux Vomica: Great for hangovers. :)
Ruta: A good remedy for sore bones and sprains.
You should see a Homeopath for more details and diagnosis. If you can't locate one in your area try contacting:
National Center For Homeopathy
801 N. Fairfax Street
Ste. #306
Alexandria, VA 22314